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Help & Donate

Finca Esquinzo is home to many old and/or sick animals that can no longer be rehomed and that need to be cared for and lovingly looked after for the rest of their lives.

Most of these animals not only need special food, but also expensive medication and extensive veterinary treatment, including operations.

As a sponsor/donor, you help us to help these animals in the long term.



In order to be able to cover the running costs for our charges, we urgently need sponsorships and donations.

For each animal we are looking for a sponsor who is willing to contribute to the food and veterinary costs for his or her protégé. Of course, you can cancel a sponsorship in writing at any time without giving reasons.


If you would like to become a sponsor, please fill out the animal sponsorship form and set up a standing order with your bank. Under the subject line, please write: "Sponsorship" and the name of your sponsored dog".


Account owner: Dr.-Thomas-Herold-Stiftung

IBAN: DE52 4306 0967 4115 3601 00


Bank: BankGLS


The Dr. Thomas Herold Foundation is recognized as non-profit and particularly worthy of support. At the beginning of the following year, you will automatically receive a tax-deductible donation receipt from us.



Donations in kind and money are always welcome. They are guaranteed to be used directly for the accommodation and care of the animals. Please transfer the amount you wish to spend once or regularly to the following bank account:


Account owner: Dr.-Thomas-Herold-Stiftung

IBAN: DE52 4306 0967 4115 3601 00


Bank: BankGLS


Important instructions:

Please enter the keyword "Finca Esquinzo" as well as your complete address in the field >Purpose<. For reasons of data protection, the bank will otherwise only give the name of the payer, so that we cannot send you a donation receipt.

The Dr Thomas Herold Foundation is recognised as a non-profit organisation and particularly worthy of support. At the beginning of the following year, you will receive a tax-deductible donation receipt from us without being asked. Of course, we are also happy to receive donations in kind or your active cooperation. Please get in touch with us under Contact.


You can donate directly via PayPal here:


For PayPal payments, after entering the donation amount, please click first on Continue (picture 1) and then on Change (picture 2) in the next window. Then please tick the box "For friends and family" (picture 3) so that the PayPal fees are waived.


Gooding - shopping & helping...

... is very easy and there are no additional costs for you! You support the dogs of Finca Esquinzo through your online purchase with a premium paid by the respective shop you purchase from via Gooding.


And this is how it works:

Instead of going to the desired online shop directly or via Google, click on continue  weiter > , select your shop and make your purchase. (You can also save the corresponding browser link in your "favourites" list for later purchases).


The premium is automatically transferred to the account of the Dr. Thomas Herold Foundation and benefits the dogs of the Finca Esquinzo.

Food donations


For wet and dry food donations, we ask for prior agreement, as our dogs do not tolerate all types of food. Please get in touch under Contact or donate food directly here.


Flight sponsorships

Would you like to take over a flight sponsorship? Flight sponsorships are not associated with any costs or risks for you. Please contact the animal welfare association of Finca Esquinzo, Tierhilfe Fuerteventura e.V., immediately after booking your trip.

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